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All certified student drivers operating vehicles in the University’s van fleet shall abide by all John Carroll University

Only students who have gone through the Van Fleet Certification Process are permitted to reserve and operate vans. All vans reserved through Fleet Services are only for official University activities facilitated by student organizations and Resident Assistants. For questions and/or assistance, please contact Tom Kriz, Fleet Services Coordinator, at tkriz@jcu.edu.  

NOTE: Any university departments, offices, or groups that are not recognized student organizations or Resident Assistants need to contact Tom Kriz, Fleet Services Coordinator, at tkriz@jcu.edu to inquire about transportation options and fees.

Reservation Process

To request a van, students should pick up the JCU Van Fleet Request Form from the Facilities Office in the DJ Lombardo Student Center Room 07 during normal business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Note: Only drivers who have gone through the certification process are permitted to reserve and operate vans.

Once the completed form is turned in, a staff member will ensure that the form is completed properly, the driver is certified, and that there is a van available for use at the requested time. Due to increased usage we cannot guarantee that a van will be available at any given time. A van is not reserved until the form has been submitted, signed by the staff member, and a yellow copy of the request form has been given to the requester, along with a blank passenger log. These two items will be turned into the John Carroll Police Department staff in the Belvoir Gatehouse at the time of picking up van keys.

Please observe the following guidelines when reserving vans:

  • One form has to be completed for each van being requested and must be signed by the certified driver(s).
  • No more than two vans can be requested per organization/group/department per day.
  • Vans are not permitted to leave campus overnight, unless accompanied by a van-certified adviser or coach. The maximum trip length is one night, and vans must be returned on the second day no later than 11 a.m.
  • Vans are not permitted to be driven through the night; driving must cease at midnight and can resume at sunrise. All passengers must lodge in a hotel/motel. Sleeping in the van at a rest area is not permissible.
  • All vans have a 100 mile limit round-trip. Other arrangements for transportation should be made for trips that exceed the 100 mile round-trip limit.
  • Vans can only be requested for use by student organizations or Resident Assistants for floor events.
  • No van can be reserved for personal use.
  • All passengers must be members of the John Carroll University community.
  • There is no usage of vans when the University is closed for inclement weather or during a break.